196 reviews
My Favorite
mrcao· Review provided by · January 1, 2013
There is such a profound sense of drama, magic and emotion behind the story in "What Dreams May Come," a film based on the novel by Richard Matheson. There is a strong story with which anyone who loves someone else can identify, as well as an austentatious and elegant scope of visual and auditory imagery that jumps right for your eyes onscreen. Matheson's visions of heaven and hell are magnificently realized here, as well as the love between two people that is unbreakable, even after death. The movie begins with the chance meeting of two American tourists traveling in Switzerland. Soon after, Chris and Annie become inseperable, and after their wedding, they bear two children. Many years later, Ian and Marie are killed in a car collision, leaving their parents distraught yet overcoming. Another couple of years later, Chris dies in a car accident as well, on his way to celebrate the "Double D" anniversary of his wife's emotional recovery from their childrens' deaths. This begins his trip into heaven, which is rocky at first during his attempts to console his living wife, then graduating into his acceptance of his immortality and ascemding into heaven, which turns out to be the creation of his own thoughts and settings. When he realizes that he is not completely happy without Annie, he becomes depressed, so it is no surprise that when Annie commits suicide and is sent to hell, he readies himself to rescue his wife from her emotional confines that keep her in her prison of eternal darkness. The story for this movie is very ambitious, as are the filmmakers who bring it to life. There is an abundance of vivid memories in the form of flashbacks, many of which are precisely used to move the plot along and keep the story moving. Instead of becoming bored with the ongoing story of Annie and Chris's married and parental life, I found myself becoming more and more entranced as their lives unfolded, and say what you will, but the only way to tell a story like this is through flashbacks. If you were to take all of the memories and place them in order at the beginning of the movie, the audience would forget about the important moments that have an effects on the actions and events that take place in later instances of the film. Each one is a separate piece of the puzzle, and they all fit together quite well. This film is one of those movies that showcases the possibilities for filmmaking in the future. Really, when you think about it, there is no way that the movie could have been made thirty years ago and still have the same impact as it does now. The settings and scenery play the most important role of the movie, for they provide the reason for the emotion and action that affects our characters. The beginning shots in Switzerland show us beautiful vistas of mountains and lakes, which will later become the inspiration for Chris's heaven, as well as many of the paintings Annie creates. Their home bursts forth with color and brightness, proving that color plays a big role in the film. When everyone is alive, everything seems light and airy. After Chris's death, all is dark, and the walls of the home seem dismal and gray. One scene in particular is a scene in which Chris watches his children being driven away in their van down a long line of lilac trees, a slight fog covering the scene. Their is that brilliance of color, yet the dark fog makes us uneasy, hence the accident that kills their children. Heaven is elegantly portrayed in this film, and is
Top 5 of all time.
Chrisqo· Review provided by · December 29, 2019
This is literally one of the most underrated movies of all time. I'm not the most of cinematic aficionados, but I've seen many movies of all genres over my years. I file this movie under a very specific genre 'something that can only be appreciated by people who have gone through extremely heart wrenching familial pain'. It's probably a 3 out of 5 unless you haven't had your soul ripped from your body and have never been the same, but find solace in this epic depiction of how that life you now have is somewhat euphoric in its both script and visuals.
Envisioning the Afterlife through a Painted World
earps007· Review provided by · January 25, 2020
The scenes and special effects that they combined with paint were pretty awesome and unique. The movie gives you a different perspective on how one may view what heaven can be like. Very pretty images. I think the movie dragged in various parts, which I didn't expect with all of the "hype" given about it. Overall, I think the movie was alright, not one I would want to watch repeatedly.
"Movie worth watching over and over again"
mastercraftusa2013· Review provided by · March 14, 2016
This is one of the best movies I have ever watched. It is a movie with alot of depth in the lines and content, so you need to pay attention to all of it to get the complete impact this movie leaves. The characters do a magnificent job to make this movie what it is. I get more out of it every time I watch it. It is a beautiful story about the love one human being can have for another, no matter what life throws at them. The lines are very thought provoking and make one really think about things. It is different from any movie I have ever seen and I highly recommend watching it. It will change your outlook on many things that exist in one's life.....
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