Music as art and the relationship of art to life is another theme, all wrapped in a realistic noir style. Like Hammett, Chandler or Robert Parker, John Campos makes it real in ON GOOD DAYS IT JUST BOUNCES OFF.
Habitat use, reproduction, and movement of recently restocked eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) were studied using radio telemetry on 2 different intensively managed pine forests in east Texas from June 1980 through July ...
Invitation is the latest in the Bobby Turner mystery series. The past was once an open invitation to happiness. Now, Bobby has to tell his daughter how, as a musician, he had always been a permanent intern of the underworld.
The Things Dreams Are Made Of is a noir crime novel that starts with a murder in New York, among a group of hard-boiled New York musicians and then travels to the Southwest states among some Native Americans.