Whether you know Hebrew or not, this book will provide you with a quick reference resource for learning the meaning of many Hebrew words that lie beneath the English translations, which will open new doors for you into Biblical ...
This prevents the reader of the Bible from seeing the ancient authors' original intent of the passages. This is the first Biblical Hebrew lexicon that defines each Hebrew word within its original Ancient Hebrew cultural meaning.
Mr. Benner shares his over 20 years of research and studies of the Torah. This work explains the linguistic and cultural background of many verses, topics, names and words in the Torah.
The translation in this book is the Revised Mechanical Translation, which is derived from Mr. Benner’s The Torah: A Mechanical Translation (Also available through the bookstore).
. A literal word for word translation of the Hebrew text. . A revised translation for understandability in English. . A dictionary of words defined from an Hebraic perspective. . A concordance of all words found in the book of Genesis.
This book will examine the origins and history of the ancient Hebrew language and script and their close relationship to the culture of the ancient Hebrews.
The problem is compounded by the fact that a language is tied to the culture that uses that language. When the text is read by a culture different from the one it is written in, it loses its cultural context.
The first five books of the Hebrew Bible, called the Torah, are the foundation to the rest of the Bible. With this edition, the Torah can be read and studied through the original pictographic script from the time of Abraham and Moses.