John Newton was an English evangelical Anglican cleric and slavery abolitionist. He had previously been a captain of slave ships and an investor in the ...
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What hymn did Isaac Newton write?
Where was John Newton buried?
What did John Newton's father do?
How many siblings did John Newton have?
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The Works of John Newton is available as a four-volume set. Other John Newton books include Jewels from John Newton, Select Letters of John Newton and more.
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Top John Newton titles ; Out of the Depths: The Autobiography of John Newton ; Letters by the Rev. John Newton: Edited by Josiah Bull ; Selected Letters and Poems ...
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This new four-volume edition of The Works of John Newton has been entirely reformatted, producing a clear and easily navigable set of documents for today's ...
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Looking for books by John Newton? See all books authored by John Newton, including The Pilgrim's Progress from This World, to That Which Is to Come, ...
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John Newton is best known as a former slave trader who is the author of the most sung hymn in the world. But as Aitken shows in this illuminating biography, he ...
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John Newton lived a tumultuous life on land and sea. His faith-filled mother died when he was a young boy and his sea captain father began taking him on voyages ...
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Online Books by John Newton (Newton, John, 1725-1807) Online books about this author are available, as is a Wikipedia article.
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For John Newton, one of Christendom's greatest hymn writers and writer of "Amazing Grace," God's matchless grace was intensely personal.
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John Newton converted slave-trader, preacher, and hymn-writer, was one of the most colourful figures in the Evangelical Awakening of the eighteenth century.
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