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Russell H. Conwell Founder Of Temple University Philadelphia.
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This volume contains: 1. The book, Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell. 2. The story of Russell H. Conwell's His Life And Achievement By Robert Shackleton. 3.
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Considered by many to be one of the finest speeches ever written, Acres of Diamonds offers a multitude of lessons about the rewards of work, education, and finding the riches of life in one's own back yard.In an era when many Americans ...
inauthor:"Russell H. Conwell" from
Includes Conwell's 'Acres of Diamonds' and Robert Shackleton's 'His Life and Achievements'. 'Acres of Diamonds' is a lecture that Russell Conwell, founder of Temple University, delivered more than 6,000 times across the country.
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The central idea of the work is that one need not look elsewhere for opportunity, achievement, or fortune -- the resources to achieve all good things are present in your own community.
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The insights found within this book are shaped by Conwell's personal journey and his deep desire to inspire others to attain their highest potentials.
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Please visit for more books by this and other great authors.
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Acres of Diamonds: Our Every-day Opportunities by Russell H. Conwell
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There is a moral to the story in "Acres of Diamonds," a story which Conwell presented as a lecture more than 6,000 and to untold numbers of people.
inauthor:"Russell H. Conwell" from
The work began as a speech, "at first given," wrote Conwell in 1913, "before a reunion of my old comrades of the Forty-sixth Massachusetts Regiment, which served in the Civil War and in which I was captain.